Etsy Team Latvia meet-up
Svētdien apmeklējām burvīgu pasākumu, kuru organizēja Etsy Latvijas komanda un kuras galvenie viesi bija Andrew un Kruti - tehniskās nodaļas pārstāvji no Etsy. Iespaidu bija tik daudz! Gan no burvīgā dzīvokļa, kur notika tikšanās, gan no atmosfēras, gan no iespējas satikt interesantus cilvēkus!
Paldies visiem, kas organizēja, it īpaši namamātei Inesei, kas spēja pie sevis pieņemt tik daudz viesu!
We have been to an amazing event this Sunday, organised by Etsy Team Latvia. Main guests were Andrew and Kruti from Etsy - they came to meet Etsy sellers from Latvia and everything was just awesome - an apartment, where the meet-up took place, an atmosphere and this great opportunity to meet interesting people!
Thanks to everyone who organised this meeting, especially to our host Inese!
Daudzi uz pasākumu atnesa savu darbu paraugus. Te Andrew pielaiko šo maturotu no Marijas veikala :)
Many brought items from their shops - Andrew is trying on this headband from Maria's shop.:)
Paldies visiem, kas organizēja, it īpaši namamātei Inesei, kas spēja pie sevis pieņemt tik daudz viesu!
We have been to an amazing event this Sunday, organised by Etsy Team Latvia. Main guests were Andrew and Kruti from Etsy - they came to meet Etsy sellers from Latvia and everything was just awesome - an apartment, where the meet-up took place, an atmosphere and this great opportunity to meet interesting people!
Thanks to everyone who organised this meeting, especially to our host Inese!
Daudzi uz pasākumu atnesa savu darbu paraugus. Te Andrew pielaiko šo maturotu no Marijas veikala :)
Many brought items from their shops - Andrew is trying on this headband from Maria's shop.:)
Un šie ir cimdi no MareShop, par kuriem mēs ar mammu jūsmojām jau sen.
And these are fingerless gloves from MareShop which we personally admire.
Paldies par ierakstu, patīkami pakavēties labās atmiņās!